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Armchair Wit blog
with Roberta Sarver

In Defense of Introverts
Some people are born salespersons. They could sell freezers to Eskimos. Then there are the rest of us. I usually end up giving away...

Gym Etiquette 101
Note from Roberta: Today's guest post was written by my son, Steve. Disclaimer: I have never been to a commercial gym. I never plan on...
Getting the Cooties Treatment
How important are cliques to you?

Cousin Rufus on Feelings
More common sense from the old mountaineer.

Awkward Moments
Bewildered by social etiquette? Read this!

Why Women Carry Purses
While arriving at an upscale wedding, my husband said, “Why do you need your purse? Just leave it in the trunk.” I looked at him...

Graduation Humor
Ever wish you could read the minds of the graduates' parents?

Worship: Horizontal or Vertical?
Which worship style?

Cousin Rufus Joins the Offended
The old mountaineer collides with modern culture.

Introverts vss. Extroverts
Introverts of the world--unite!
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