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I'm Silently Correcting Your Grammar

Have you noticed how many people butcher our English language? I’m not talking about the usual sprinkling of ain’ts and he done its which come with country living. I’m thinking of the outright misuse of terms that sound close to correct but miss by a mile.

Some of these come from my children’s texting friends.

“Could you be more Pacific?

“Be quiet. I’m trying to consecrate.”

“I’m so flustrated!

“Let’s leave it that way for all intensive purposes. “We mine as well.”

And these are only a sampling of subtle errors. We knew a dear family who provided us with chuckles. They celebrated Valentimes day (my spellcheck just revolted at that), went to the liberry, ate punkin pie and visited Ill-i-noise.

Our children attended a high school graduation where the speaker congratulated the seniors on their grad-ye-ation. As one friend said, they need a sec-a-tary at that place.

One young mother posted, “Thank goodness for hammy down clothes.”

Another of our children’s friends messaged that she attended a bombfire. (Glad she lived to tell about it.)

Our daughter heard someone say she knew it from the gecko. (I think she meant get-go.)

So, what does an English teacher do when affronted by word atrocities? Why, I just grim and parrot.

Your turn. What are some misspelled or misused words you encounter? Tell us about them in the comments box below.


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