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Armchair Wit blog
with Roberta Sarver

Texting Bloopers
Slightly humorous mistakes from our son's texting friends.

Cousin Rufus Recycled
Great-granddaddy Rufus teaches little Harold about old-time recycling.

Cousin Cletus Shops for a Cell Phone
How much technology do you carry in your pocket?

Dogs and Fireworks: A Match Made in Hades
Our grandson's theory on dogs and fireworks.

The Summer We Hope to Forget
If I hadn't seen this happen, I would have thought we were making it up.

How to Recover Your Memory
A humorous remedy for forgetfulness.

Cousin Rufus at a Weddin'
The old mountaineer attends his first sophisticated wedding.

Black Friday Disaster
Mr. I. Will Costmore Costmore Department Store 1000 Mall Drive Maintown, USA 20000 Dear Mr. Costmore: I am writing to explain the...

Awkward Moments
Your daily chuckle.
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