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The Worth of a Dad

Many celebrated Father’s Day last month. While my dad has been gone many years, I still recall moments he spent discussing issues that were important to this little girl with a big imagination. His common-sense approach to life passed on to his children - well, most of us anyway. He took the time to let all his kids bounce ideas off him with the assurance he carefully considered every word. We valued the fact he was accessible.

A few years ago, I asked my own children what they appreciated about their dad. Here are some of the comments they wrote.

“His ability to fix anything with a paperclip and a twisty tie. It set my expectations high for anyone I have dated. When they wouldn’t change their own oil, I knew it wasn’t going to work out.”

This daughter continued, “How he throws himself into projects with 110%. How he would do anything for his family. How he uses the wrong euphemism all the time but can laugh at himself. Not many people can laugh at themselves, and ‘it’s a crying river.’”

Another child said, “The thing I appreciate most about Dad is his ability to turn work into fun. He’s never afraid of a task and tackles everything with enthusiasm. Which in turn makes anyone he works with feel excited and look forward to working too.”

Another offspring: “With the right attitude (and the right company) any job can be fun! So, thanks Dad for setting a good example and instilling a good work ethic in all of us!”

Another child must have absorbed the same values, because they wrote, “I remember as a kid, working with him picking rocks out of the garden to get ready to plant corn, and not realizing it was actual back-breaking work, because he made it a fun game. As an adult, it’s now something I try to do with my kids.”

“He’s a great example of how to not take life too seriously, and live life to the fullest every day.”

Another of our children said, “What I appreciate the most about Dad is that he is always thinking of others. If he can find a chance to help someone or make their life better, he will. I never realized the character he instilled in us till I started working with the rest of the world and it came out naturally. It has helped drive me to accomplish many things.”

And then there was the one who wrote a page-and-a-half, single spaced. The condensed version said, “You have always been, and continue to be, the most amazing example of selfless love! Your infectious energy and delightful and bubbly personality warm every heart you come into contact with! I am always so proud to introduce you to my friends because the second you leave, they all tell me the same thing; ‘Wow, your dad is so awesome!’”

“One of my favorite things about you is your competitive nature. You are always the person everyone wants on their team because of it, and you make games so much more exciting. “

“I learned so much cleaning houses with you (a part-time job during this child’s teenage years). Watching how thorough you were, and how you put 110% into even the smallest tasks, set me up with the amazing work ethic I have today.”

(I am so) “incredibly grateful for the stable and happy childhood that you and Mom provided to all of us!”

Kind words for a surprised dad.

What about you? Any kind words for your own dad? Feel free to comment below.


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