Social Isolation/ Introvert Paradise

A friend recently said, “I’m in heaven. Us gaming nerds were created to stay inside 24/7.” He was speaking of enforced social isolation.
While the corona virus has created near pandemonium, there is a class of people rejoicing in imposed social isolation. My friend is one of them, a dyed-in-the-wool introvert.
I’m not a game-playing person; however, I have resurrected some hobbies with the extra time since the Powers-That-Be told us to stay home. I’m sewing a quilt for my son and his bride. I’m teaching my granddaughter a new life skill. My adult offspring are cooking more and eating out less. Because they don’t have a hectic schedule filled with sports and after-school activities, they’re actually doing things together as families.
Possibly, introverts are the ones enjoying their solitude the most. Like my friend, they are relieved they don’t have to think of something witty to say to the person in line at the post office. They don’t have to go out and contend with rude drivers on the highway or endure mindless chit-chat in the break room at work. They’re free to pursue their own quiet interests.
So, what’s an introvert or an extrovert to do with enforced isolation? I’m glad you asked.
Write a letter or send a card to someone who might be lonely, especially the elderly.
Put together a jigsaw puzzle.
Learn a new song.
Read that book you put on the shelf long ago.
Cook a special meal together with your family.
Learn a craft or take an online course (they’ve never been so plentiful).
Paint your living room.
Organize your sock drawer.
Spring-clean your clothes closet, getting rid of things you haven’t worn in six months.
Polish all your shoes.
Remember to thank God you still have your health and are given a chance to catch up on rest.
Any thoughts on social isolation? Feel free to comment below.