New Year/Fresh Start

Updated: Jul 3, 2021

If you are like those around you, perhaps you’ve made at least one New Year’s resolution. Here are the top ten.

1) Stay fit and healthy (meaning lose weight and exercise more)

2) Laugh more

3) Spend less, save more

4) Spend more time with family and friends

5) Perform better at job

6) Improve grades, learn something new such as a foreign language or music

7) Become more organized, less grumpy, manage time

8) Spend less time on social media

9) Volunteer to help others or work part-time for a charitable cause

10) Pray more, be closer to God.

Nice list. So, about the second week into the year, we become busy and slack off a bit. I’ve decided to ease up and try just one this year. Not one to promise things I can’t deliver, I prefer to call this a New Year’s goal.

I can think of lots of reasons NOT to keep a few of the others.

Take the first one, for instance. Do you know how hard it is to exercise in the winter? Why put myself at risk for a bad cold by going outside to run or walk? No, number one will have to wait for another season.

How about laughing more? Know any funny books I can read—or funny people I can hang around? I'm not sure how to go about that one. On second thought, one of my relatives likes to watch funny videos of people falling. To each his own, I suppose.

Then there is “spend less, save more.” I’ll get right on that, as soon as we pay down some debt.

Number six: I don’t need to learn music; I already know how to read and play it, and I learned a foreign language in high school. I feel better already.

And number seven, “Become more organized, less grumpy, manage time.” After years of trying to keep organized and clutter-free, I’ve decided I’ll be Mrs. Organized the day chickens learn to tap dance. But I’m going to keep trying, anyway.

I’m feeling better after reading number eight: spend less time on social media. Hooray! An excuse for reading a book!

Number ten got my attention. I always win when I spend more time praying and reading God’s Word. That’s a win/win situation.

Make realistic goals this year and focus on keeping just one. Here’s wishing you a bright success.

How about you? What goals have you made this year? Feel free to comment below.